Wednesday, 17 October 2018

International Schools: Is The Hype Real?

Where Would You Rather Send Your Child To: An International School Or A Local One?
It wasn’t long ago when parents just chose to send their kids to nearest affordable school, rarely giving it a second thought. But times have changed, and how! There are waiting lists in good schools right from the nursery grade levels. Parents are willing to pay donations and sit in interviews just so that they can send their kids to a good school.

So the question is, are the international schools worth the hype?
International schools offer something that even the best CBSE school can’t offer: IB education. This certification is accepted worldwide, and hence, if you are planning to send your kids to pursue further studies abroad, nothing can be a better choice for them. It also exposes them to different cultures of the world and allows them to develop a more wholesome view of the world.

Is the expense worth everything that International schools have to offer? In most cases, yes.
Given how good internationals schools are still rare, those which are able to provide the best faculty and services can charge a premium for it, and rightfully so. A lot of money has been invested into research into what works and what doesn’t for kids, hence there is an expense involved in applying these finding into schools where they can benefit the kids. International schools often keep themselves abreast of the results of such research and applies the things which are practical in the respective country and city.

If you try to breakdown every single expense that the school might be occurring and then try to get an idea of how cost-efficient these schools are, that would be time wasted because a lot also depends on management.
Good management is about taking the right decisions and implementing them efficiently. We cannot expect these decisions to be taken magically: the experienced people behind these decisions have the right to demand a certain monetary value.

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