Sunday, 18 November 2018

12 Basic Safety Rules Every Kid At A Nursery School Must Know

Kids join a nursery school at the age of 2 years when they are pretty clueless about everything that comes across in their life. It is the duty of nursery teachers to enlighten these young kids about basic safety rules they must follow at all times for their own well-being. If your kid’s school is on the list of international schools, you need not to worry about anything as they ensure your kid is safe and well-informed of the safety rules.
Here are the 10 basic safety rules, kids can become quite safer even when they are left unattended by mistake.
1.     Avoid strangers:
One of the first things to be told to these young kids is to stay away from strangers always. This will reduce the chances of them being kidnapped for extortion money.
2.     Road safety:
Nursery school teachers must teach them the habit of looking left and right twice before crossing a road in the absence of an adult. This will help them to avoid road accidents.
3.     Good touch and bad touch:
Due to the dangers that lurk outside our homes and schools, it is necessary for nursery teachers to carefully introduce these young kids to the subtle difference between good and bad touch.
4.     Contact details:
In case of an emergency, kids can be easily rescued if they have the contact details of their mother or father memorised which can come handy when they are lost.
5.     Stay away from harmful things:
Nursery teachers must warn them against harmful daily use items like matches, knives, etc. This basic knowledge can help them avoid fro getting injured.
If nursery teachers can ensure that these 5 safety rules is explained to their young kids, it will effectively reduce the number of accidents, injuries, and other unfortunate happenings that happen to kids.

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