Sunday, 25 February 2018

Preschools- The Best Franchise Opportunities

Having a business of our own is something we all aim in life. I’m sure you have probably thought about all the benefits of having your own business. One of the best businesses you could opt for is opening a preschool. Some of the major benefits of opening a preschool that you would want to be aware of before you decide on starting your preschool. We all know that franchises have a reputation for being easy and yet pretty much expensive to start up. However, this isn’t it. When you decide on going about with a preschool franchise, you get a much more than just a branded name for your business. You get access to almost all the tools that are idea for being successful. Franchise business gives you something that an overall new business cannot give you. And, a preschool franchise succeeds well in giving you a branded name, while not only helps you stand right in the society but also lends you the advertising power that you wouldn’t have been able to gain if you started a fresh new venture.

With an ideal medium of finding success, preschools also leave a lasting impression on the minds and hearts of society with effective ways of initial growth of children. A preschool is the perfect franchise opportunity and have become extremely popular in this modern and developing society. Starting your own preschool demands a few things to be clear in mind. It works precisely on profit sharing basis. This is the major reason why you see many of the franchises taking those extra efforts in order to make sure that they do a good job. When I say extra efforts, it includes extra guidance, training, and support for the little ones. They obviously use these extra steps as a point to be worthy of the extra start-up fees.

With absolute profit and success, a franchise also ensures you a complete plan from building structuring to signs to furnishings and advertising. This saves your time of coming up with your own designs and creative ideas. This opportunity does demand some effort, significant commitment, and investment. But, eventually the fruits will taste delicious to all those who contributed even a little.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Ways to Improve the Quality of Education

Education needs a little improvement in some of its sections, and there are the ways of bringing betterment in the system:-

We must know that the top 10 schools in India have some amazing standards and are developing by bringing effective changes in their education system. Children’s safety, health, and happiness are the 3 major issues that require maximum focus and better quality care and education. The vital strategies of for promoting physical health and social-emotional, language, and cognitive development should be the focus on minimizing risk and maximizing children’s opportunities to engage with teachers, caregivers, other children, and their world. Moreover, the other essential requirements are the licensing regulations and effective monitoring of programs.

Another way to improve the quality of education is quality early care and education programs. They are supported by a early childhood service system that comes with easy access to health care and medical homes with focus on prevention and intervention, comprehensive parent engagement that is responsive to parents’ needs, and family support services to help families access resources and build their capacity to support their little one’s development.

There are some support systems for choosing and using child assessments that are precisely ideal for children’s developmental, cultural, and linguistic characteristics. High-quality programs regularly collect information about children’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. Every top school has some way to get an improved system.

There High-quality early care and education programs never stop improving. Continuous improvement starts with program leaders who engage themselves and staff in reflecting on strengths and growth areas through self-assessments, feedback from colleagues and parents, and data collected about the quality of their program, classroom, or child care home. Thanks to the professional development and technical assistance, there is easy linking of growth areas, and programs as a whole can annually update goals, objectives and strategies for improving services. Thus, these are some important ways of improvement in education.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Rising Importance Of Kindergarten Schools In India

Kindergarten schools were not of much importance in the earlier times of Indian history. Education on the whole was not given much importance. Children learnt skills from their fathers and ventured into whatever field their forefathers were in. Slowly the trend started changing. But child labour still loomed large in India. Parents used to think that instead of sending their children to school they could make them work and earn a quick buck to support the family. The concept of kindergarten school in India was not present at those times.

Slowly the government furnished plans to lure school children by providing free meals to them in schools. Impoverished parents then started sending their children to school thinking that at least their meals would be taken care of. Further the government imposed bans on child labour and imposed a law stating that children below 15 years of age cannot be employed to work under any circumstances. This changed the education scenario in India. As children could not be employed for work they had to be sent to schools. The government run schools did not charge them any fees. This compelled parents to send their children to such schools. Well the cream of the Indian society enrolled their children in top preschools in India. The top preschools in India are a far cry from the ordinary kindergarten schools in India. They have adopted the latest technology for kids as young. They have technology like virtual reality and artificial intelligence to teach children. Virtual reality uses oculus gear through which little children view three dimensional videos on educational topics. In this way the learning gets registered in a better way in their minds. Hence the educational war field has seen a lot of struggles in India but as of now is gaining steam and many parents even from the non-creamy layer are giving education importance. 

Thursday, 8 February 2018

List Of International Schools – Rising Rapidly

 The sheer number of international schools is increasing by the day, thereby heating up the competition in the education market. They are nudging each other off through intense creativity with regards to curriculums and technology used. The best international schools are fighting it out to surface to the top. The better the school more the number of parents want to get their children into them. In earlier times parents used to enrol their children in whichever school was closer to their vicinity. They used to try to cut out travel time. This would also save on travel cost. There was a concept of municipal schools in earlier times. These schools were deemed as poor quality schools with respect to quality standards. These schools used to have the local language as the language of learning. They were called vernacular medium schools. All the subjects were taught in the local language. People who could not afford to get their children into good schools would enrol their children in these municipal schools. These schools were run by the local government. The teachers were not well trained. The classes had too many students and usually the classes were filled with cacophony.

Before the advent of international schools, in earlier times at rural areas schools were just grounds without a shed. There were no sheds to protect the children and teachers from rain or heat. But still teachers and social workers used to teach children. Sometimes they would not even get paid. Slowly the condition of schools started improving. There were sheds made, then, slowly there were single floor buildings made and so on. But child labour was highly prevalent and parents preferred sending their children to earn money and support their family rather than sending them to school. Then the government thought of a master plan. They started offering free meals to students who attended school. This initiative saw a rise in the number of rural children attending schools. The food actually lured a lot of school children as they were able to satiate their rumbling tummies. The government also imposed a law that child labour would be a punishable offence. Therein lot of small time organisations, hotels and tea vendors stopped employing children under the age of 15. This move made more students enter schools and study. Slowly even impoverished families started understanding the importance of education in building careers in the future. Illiterate parents started thinking that what they underwent, the hardship they undertook should not be undertaken by their children. They started getting their children into better schools.

These days, parents are shelling out a huge chunk of their salary for education of their children as school fees. Best international schools charge a bomb when it comes to school fees. But still parents are striving hard to get their children enrolled in these schools. The list of international schools taking interviews of children has been nullified. Government has imposed a rule that children should not be interviewed during admissions. So, international schools are now interviewing parents. The whole educational scenario has changed in India. 

Nursery Schools – No More Small Talk

Nursery schools, these days are being taken seriously. They are no more those playschools where children would be sent to pass time. Nurseries are being seen as instrumental in nurturing the future of a child. They are the first step to learning. It is said that the first few years of learning are imperative in moulding a child. They transform the brain of a child in a non-repairable manner. If the child learns good things in the first few years he or she will turn out to be a good adult in future. If the child learns bad things in the first few years he or she may turn out to be a negative element in society in the future. The best schools understand these things well. They hire child psychologists to observe little children for this very reason. The child psychologists read children and find flaws in them. If the child is too aggressive they weed them out of bad company of adults and other aggressive elder children. This is done by discussing things with parents and teachers. The parents are advised to keep their children away from bad company.

Nursery schools also observe children with the help of child psychologists in such a way that they are not too depressed. If they are too depressed, the reason for them being depressed is found out. The child psychologists interview such children and counsel them. They try to find the root cause of their depression. They try to investigate if they are suffering from bullying from other children. If so they are taught to fight back. They are made stronger. The best schools are leaving no stone unturned to make their school the best and provide the best treatment to students. Parents in turn are seeking such schools to enrol their children in.