Thursday, 25 January 2018

Top Schools Are Stepping Up The Ante

What defines the best schools in India? It is not only the quality of education but also the technology that they use. Top schools take education seriously and employ futuristic technology in their ecosystems. They use artificial intelligence, virtual reality, digital libraries, virtual classrooms, robotics and much more to educate children. Artificial intelligence is used to assess examination papers of students. Examinations, these days are not given on papers. Examinations are given on laptops, tablets and mobile phone devices. These days, best schools in India give smart phones, tablets and laptops to students for educational purposes. The age-old trend of carrying a heavy bag of books to school is fading away. Students these days, carry laptops and tablets to school. For this very reason the IT departments in schools are getting beefed up. More and more IT professionals are being hired by top schools to meet their computer technology requirements. It is obvious that when children use laptops, tablets and mobile devices , some of them may malfunction because ultimately they are pieces of technology, no matter how advanced they may be.

Another segment of professionals that best schools are hiring is child psychologists. One may wonder what the role of a child psychologist in a school is. But these days they play a key role in nurturing students. Child psychologists gauge student behaviour and understand students better. They gauge the interests of children and discuss with parents and teachers about long term strategies to hone these skillsets. There are meetings held in top schools wherein teachers, parents and child psychologists actively participate in discussions about children. The number of children in each class in top schools is kept to the minimum. This helps the school to give individual attention to each student. More the number of students lesser is the time devoted towards students by the teachers. Each child is special and may not act in the same manner as the other child. Some children may be too aggressive. Here is where the child psychologist plays an important role. They study the child deeply and find a solution to tone down the aggression in the child. They detach the child from aggressive company and also request parents to do the same. Slowly they mentor the child into becoming calm with mental and physical exercises.

When it comes to technology used by the best schools in India, virtual reality is a big hit. Virtual reality uses oculus gear to teach students. The oculus gear plays three dimensional videos of what is to be taught to the child. The children view these videos and get a better understanding of what is being taught. Moreover they enjoy learning through these videos. The videos are made as interesting as possible to grab the attention of the children throughout the video.

Curriculums these days are rapidly changing too. Young children are being taught software coding. They are being taught to create software of their own. Basically curriculums are being designed, keeping the future in mind. Hence top schools are really revolutionizing the education scenario in India and setting an example for other schools to follow.

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